WARSCROLL CARDS: SLAVES TO DARKNESS (ENG) with delivery all over Ukraine and instores in Kyiv and Odessa.
The Slaves to Darkness have sacrificed their eternal souls in exchange for the raw power of Chaos. Clad in hell-forged metal and accompanied by hideously mutated monsters, they march to war and slaughter, despoiling the lands and butchering those who have earned the ire of their Dark Gods.
This set of Slaves to Darkness Warscroll Cards offers a handy set of references to use during games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. You'll find cards for your units, faction terrain, endless spells, the First Prince Army of Renown, and Spearhead cards for the Darkoath Raiders. Packed with detail, they'll make it a breeze to find your stats, weapon profiles, and special abilities during your game, so you can focus on the action instead of flipping through rulebooks. They've been designed to put the most important information front and centre, measuring 70mm by 121mm.
Some of these cards are double-