STORMCAST ETERNALS: VANQUISHERS with delivery all over Ukraine and in stores in Kyiv and Odessa.
Subjugators are experienced warriors wielding two-handed swords, well trained to counterattack enemy units pinned down by Liberators and Vindictors. The Celestial Greatswords, which they wield with supernatural skill, are covered in a celestial worldstone shard, upon which these warriors meditate until they become one with their blades.
Subjugators are so attuned to their weapons that they can receive fragmentary visions from the Celestials, raising their combat prowess to much higher levels, allowing them to easily deflect and parry enemy blows before delivering accurate killing blows.
This multi-part plastic kit contains 172x components to assemble 10x Vanquisher in sleek Thunderstrike armor and wielding mighty Sky Greatswords. The set has multiple build options and each miniature can be built with or without a helmet.
Also available with this set are the First Conqueror, Hera