AGE OF SIGMAR: EXTREMIS (RUS) with delivery all over Ukraine and in stores in Kyiv and Odessa.
Core Rules Book Paperback: Includes all the game rules from the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Core Book and is perfect for further developing your army and fighting other players
32x Push-Fit Miniatures: At the heart of Extremis, two armies of new miniatures have gathered, designed in such a way that assembly can be done without glue. Both sides of the conflict have a lot of strong fighters and devastating weapons in store, but you can also collect even more warriors under your flag by using the units from this set as a basis. The kit includes:
10x Stormcast Eternals: Chosen champions of Sigmar whose souls were encased in armor of gleaming gold when they died.
Each Stormcast is a worthy and almost immortal warrior, able to emerge victorious even from a battle with a whole horde of bloodthirsty monsters.
Lord Imperatat with Gryph-houd: Lord Emperors are rightfully considered among the finest strate