At launch, Domiio is the biggest starter pack in the Age of Sigmar universe! It includes two armies with brand new fighters and even a new sub-faction of the Orruk Warclans (Orruk Warclas) and the main rule book of the third edition with a unique design.
Whether you're expanding your Stormcast Eternals or building from scratch, Age of Sigmar: Domiio is great for both. The set includes the mighty warrior and wise general Lord-Imperatat, accompanied by the loyal Gryph-houd, the lightning-wielding sorcerer Kight-Arcaum, the proud Knight-Vomsilla Kight -Vexillor with Baer of Apotheosis), three Praetors and three Annihilators (Praetors ad Aihilators), ten Vindictors (Vidictors) and the famous orruk hunter Indrasta, the Celestial Spear, the legendary heroes of his powerful wings.