SLAVES TO DARKNESS: DARKOATH ARMY SET with delivery all over Ukraine and in stores in Kyiv and Odessa.
From the blood-soaked wilds of the Mortal Realms they came, the ruthless robbers of the Dark Oath. These fearsome human tribes, numbered among the terrible Slaves of Darkness, have sworn oaths of carnage and slaughter under the gaze of their evil gods, and they will fulfill them at any cost - for if they fail, their souls will be lost. Descendants of those unfortunate humans left behind when Sigmar retreated beyond the Gates of Azir, the Dark Oath made pacts with the deities of destruction to endure the unbearable. As merciless as they are proud, they raid from their Chaos-tainted homelands, fulfilling vows of slaughter and vengeance.
The set includes the following multi-piece plastic miniatures:
– 1x Darkoath Wilderfiend
– 1x Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed
– 5x Darkoath Fellriders
– 20x Darkoath Marauders