Aqueous Super Metallic - Super Fine Silver / Super metallic silver HSM01 with delivery throughout Ukraine and stores in Kiev and Odessa.
It provides a glossy texture and very good leveling qualities (i.e. the smoothness of the applied paint film), which results in a very good level of painted finish.
The level of gloss obtained with Aqueous Hobby Colors gloss finish can be adjusted with H-40 Flat Base - mix approximately 5% H-40 Flat Base to turn gloss colors into matte, or 5 to 10% for a semi-gloss finish. The percentage of flat base used can be adjusted to change the level of gloss obtained.
It is generally not necessary to thin Aqueous Hobby Color for brush application, but if you are using an airbrush to spray Aqueous Hobby Color, thin the paint with Mr.Aqueous Hobby Color Thinner (T110 or T111) 100 to 150%.
When painting with a brush, it is usually recommended to apply 1-2 coats, and when using an airbrush, 2-3 coats. If you are applying a light color to a darker base surface, more coats