In the world of the living, the job of executioners is to end the lives of mortals, often with a single swing of an ax or by hanging. The rulers of the Mortal Realms, enthusiastically destroying both criminals and innocents, come under the watchful eye of Nagash, and upon death pass into the spectral forms of Lord Executioners (Lord Executioners). All of them are armed with massive axes, which they are free to bring down on the heads of heroes, champions, kings and all who dare to defy the will of Nagash, surrounded by the spirits of the innocents slain earlier, who ironically guard their executioners from danger, not by their own will, but by for not being able to escape. This multi-part plastic kit contains the parts needed to assemble the Liekeron the Executioner, a Nighthaunt Lord-Executioner. Leukeron is depicted hovering over the cracked headstone, a sinister, hunched figure, half ghostly, half material, whose face of death peeps through the shroud.