NIGHTHAUNT: CHAINRASPS with delivery all over Ukraine and in stores in Kyiv and Odessa.
The most numerous of all the spirits that join Nighthaunt processions are the Chainrasp Hordes. These gheists are created from the spirits of the most vicious and irredeemable criminals to have lived in the Mortal Realms. They are lesser spirits, held together in the afterlife by nothing other than their own never-ending spite and all-consuming madness, a negative energy which saps the will of their enemies. Chainrasps may have thought death to be an escape from terrible imprisonment but, in truth, it was merely the beginning.
As with many Nighthaunt, the Chainrasp Hordes are little more than wisps of ethereal form willed into reality by sheer force of hatred. Each of these models is essentially a floating hooded cloak, from beneath which a twisted skull-face glares; hung variously from each models’ neck and arms is a heavy length of chain ending in an iron weight, a symbol of their deviant criminal histo