FLESH-EATER COURTS: MORBHEG KNIGHTS set with delivery throughout Ukraine and stores in Kyiv and Odessa.
The Knights of Morbheg are terrible, loathsome cavaliers, some of the proudest and most experienced of the caustic warriors of any court. They would fight on the backs of half-dead Nightshriekers, monstrous predators descended from the ur-bat Morbheg, whose cackling cries cause oppressive madness in anyone unlucky enough to hear them.
This multi-part plastic kit makes three Knights of Morbhag, a nightmarish cavalry with the leather wings of the Flesh Eater Courts. These loathsome horsemen sweep across the battlefield with terrifying speed, charging at enemies with terrifying spears before their vile Nightshrieker steeds tear the survivors to pieces. You'll also find the components to build a Miner Musician, a Flayed Flag-waving Standard Bearer, and a Morbhag Champion with a unique horrid headdress, a skull-helmed Night Screamer, and a Knight's Sword.