STORMCAST ETERNALS: DRACOTHIAN GUARD with delivery all over Ukraine and in stores in Kyiv and Odessa.
The Desolators form the main attack wave of the Dracotian Guard. Their task is to finish the battle, because they are the last court of Heaven. Bolts of lightning appear between the Ravagers' ax blows, a collective fury that destroys all who do not fall before the flaming arrows are spat out by the Dracotas. Against their heavenly reckoning, none can escape.
This set also allows you to create any of the following Guardian Dragon variants:
- Fulminators armed with storm glaives and sigmarite shields;
- Tempestors armed with storm crossbows, combat blade and sigmarite shields;
- Concussors armed with lightning hammers and sigmarite shields.
One Dracoth Warden can also be optionally assembled as a Celestant Lord on Dracoth, armed with a selection of weapons including the Tempestos Hammer, Thunder Axe, Lightning Hammer, Storm Glaive, and Sigmarite Shield.