KHARADRON OVERLORDS: ARKANAUT COMPANY with delivery all over Ukraine and in stores in Kyiv and Odessa.
Arkanaut Companies are the backbone of the Kharadron airfleets, grizzled privateers who crew the skyvessels, repel boarders, and put duardin boots on the ground. Armed with aether-powered firearms and a motley assortment of deck tools, Arkanauts rush from their ship's hold to win glory – and shares of aether-gold – through daring deeds in battle.
This multipart plastic kit builds an Arkanaut Company of 10x duardin privateers, clad in sealed suits of armoured leather. Each Arkanaut wields a privateer pistol alongside an Arkanaut cutter, and the kit also includes three special weapons – a long-handled skypike, a multi-barrelled aethermatic volley gun, and a light skyhook. One Arkanaut can be built as a Company Captain armed with either a volley pistol or aetherflare pistol – the Captain also has a choice of two unique heads and two unique cutters, including a bladed anchor!
This kit
KHARADRON OVERLORDS: ARKANAUT COMPANY with delivery all over Ukraine and in stores in Kyiv and Odessa.
Arkanaut Companies are the backbone of the Kharadron airfleets, grizzled privateers who crew the skyvessels, repel boarders, and put duardin boots on the ground. Armed with aether-powered firearms and a motley assortment of deck tools, Arkanauts rush from their ship's hold to win glory – and shares of aether-gold – through daring deeds in battle.
This multipart plastic kit builds an Arkanaut Company of 10x duardin privateers, clad in sealed suits of armoured leather. Each Arkanaut wields a privateer pistol alongside an Arkanaut cutter, and the kit also includes three special weapons – a long-handled skypike, a multi-barrelled aethermatic volley gun, and a light skyhook. One Arkanaut can be built as a Company Captain armed with either a volley pistol or aetherflare pistol – the Captain also has a choice of two unique heads and two unique cutters, including a bladed anchor!
This kit