MECHANICUM HEAVY SUPPORT FORCE with delivery all over Ukraine and in stores in Kyiv and Odessa.
The Taghmatas of the Mechanicum march to war supported by a variety of bizarre and deadly war machines, bolstering the firepower of their numerous infantry with missiles, blasts of arcane energies, and heavy constructs designed for breaking bunkers and fortifications.
This multipart plastic kit builds three mighty war machines for your Mechanicum armies in games of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy. They are all ideal for adding some serious firepower to your force.
The Krios Strike Tank is a fast moving and manoeuvrable tank equipped with a powerful lightning cannon or an irradiation blaster. It can alternatively be built as a Krios Venator armed with a pulsar-fusil.
The Karacnos Assault Tank is a mobile artillery vehicle, able to lay down volleys of radiological warheads from its mortar battery. It's also armed with lightning locks and an optional hunter-killer missile. You can choos