TYRANIDS: NORN EMISSARY set with delivery all over Ukraine and in stores in Kyiv and Odessa.
Each Norn Emissary is a specially bred beast, bred by his Norn queen to achieve a specific and singular goal - be it hunting a strategically gifted commander, stealing a knowledgeable prey, or pursuing some other unspeakable goal. These colossal harbingers of the Hive Mind's plans combine terrifying psionic potential with speed, intelligence and monstrous strength, ensuring that the Norn emissary is more than up to the task of his alien mission.
This buildable plastic kit creates the Norn Emissary, a psychic monster that can overcome any resistance. Standing atop a ruined structure covered in Tyranid vegetation, the Emissary cuts down all foes with massive, scything paws and brutal, dexterous claws, his visible brain tissue imbued with unnatural strength.