NECRONS: OVERLORD WITH TRANSLOCATION SHROUD with delivery all over Ukraine and in stores in Kyiv and Odessa.
The Overlords lead the Necron dynasties into battle. Their android minds are extremely fast, their bodies are relentlessly resilient, but their indomitable will is perhaps the most fearsome of all. Equipped with a translocation shroud drawn from dynastic vaults, the Overlord can travel through the nether dimensions, passing through the tough defenses and even the flesh of mortal guardians to achieve any loot or reward they demand.
This multi-piece plastic kit creates a Necron Overlord with Translocation Shroud, an artifact of the arcane science of dimensions. He is depicted moving through space, with parts of his body and combat equipment already dematerialized into streams of energy swirling around him. One of his crossed arms carries a deadly hyperphase blade, while the other clutches a resurrection sphere. Its metal body is covered in Necrontyr symbols, as well as mechanical parts