ADEPTUS MECHANICUS: ONAGER DUNECRAWLER with delivery all over Ukraine and to stores in Kyiv and Odessa.
Owing its origin to the lost knowledge of millennia, the Onager Dunecrawler is based on the Mars Universal Land Engine; itself inspired by the bad-tempered beasts of burden that transported their masters across Holy Terra in ancient times. The Onager Dunecrawler, rather than being a mere people-carrier, is absolutely brimming with advanced, powerful weaponry capable of reducing worlds to wastelands.
A light walking tank, the Onager Dunecrawler features four crab-like legs with optional armour plating. The armoured cabin and reactor are complemented by a huge variety of modelling options, with searchlights, smoke launchers, cognis manipulators and mindscanner probes; and the cupola can be modelled closed or open, featuring a Princeps wielding a heavy stubber. You get a massive amount of configuration and customisation available even before applying weaponry.
On the subject of weapo