Scale model 1/35 German tank Pzkpfw.I Ausf.F (VK18.01)-late HobbyBoss 83805 with delivery throughout Ukraine and stores in Kiev and Odessa.
Glue and paints are not included
sprues with details,
transparent details,
scheme for painting the model,
step-by-step instructions.
Panzerkampfwagen I Ausführung F (Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. F, Pz. IF), also known as VK 18.01 - German tank of the Second World War. Despite the fact that it was designated as a modification of the light tank Pz.Kpfw. I, it was almost a completely new machine that had almost nothing in common with it. Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. F was designed in 1938-1939 as a heavy assault tank, intended for assaulting fortified lines. In 1942, 30 units were produced (No. 150301-150330). From 1943, it was used in anti-partisan operations on the Eastern Front and in Yugoslavia.