Ceramic designer - the city gate of Puerta de Bisagra (PUERTA NUEVA DE BISAGRA), Aedes ars 1002
The set includes: cardboard frame, ceramic elements, landscape elements, instructions and glue.
The Puerta Nueva de Bisagra (new gate) is in the province of Toledo, in Spain.
Called the Puerta Nueva (new), to differentiate it from its homonym, "la Vieja" (old), they are both of Arab origin, although in the Nueva the only Arab remnant lies in the name of Bisagra, or "Bib-Shala" or "Puerta de la Campiña" (countryside gateway) and some remains of horseshoe arches in the interior.
Its exterior façade stands between two circular towers with the upper part in dressed ashlar work. The entrance archway, also in dressed stone, opens in the centre. Above it the imperial coat of arms of the city stands out, crowned by a pediment. Behind the exterior façade is a courtyard and another interior building with square towers, windows and spires with polychrome tiling.
Ceramic designer - the city gate of Puerta de Bisagra (PUERTA NUEVA DE BISAGRA), Aedes ars 1002
The set includes: cardboard frame, ceramic elements, landscape elements, instructions and glue.
The Puerta Nueva de Bisagra (new gate) is in the province of Toledo, in Spain.
Called the Puerta Nueva (new), to differentiate it from its homonym, "la Vieja" (old), they are both of Arab origin, although in the Nueva the only Arab remnant lies in the name of Bisagra, or "Bib-Shala" or "Puerta de la Campiña" (countryside gateway) and some remains of horseshoe arches in the interior.
Its exterior façade stands between two circular towers with the upper part in dressed ashlar work. The entrance archway, also in dressed stone, opens in the centre. Above it the imperial coat of arms of the city stands out, crowned by a pediment. Behind the exterior façade is a courtyard and another interior building with square towers, windows and spires with polychrome tiling.